Lista partecipanti Bilderberg 2013. Ma sapevate chi c’è dietro a questa gente?
Di Matteo Vitiello - buenobuonogood
Ecco a voi la lista dei partecipanti al Bilderberg 2013, che si terrà dal 6 al 9 giugno a Watford, cittadina a una ventina di km da Londra, presso l’Hotel Grove (Chandler’s Cross, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD3 4TG).
Prima della lista, voglio dirvi due parole.
Negli ultimi tempi sembra che sempre più gente parli delle riunioni annuali del gruppo Bilderberg. Sembra diventato un circo, con tanto di feste nei dintorni dei luoghi di ritrovo e manifestanti con striscioni e cartelli… insomma, è uno scenario sempre più tragicomico.
Non sono certo questi gli strumenti per contrastare questi infami del Bilderberg, con i manifesti si fa poco o niente. Certo, la gente lo sa… e quindi? Quante cose sappiamo, eppure non abbiamo nemmeno cominciato a prendere in mano le redini del nostro futuro come collettività di cittadini del mondo?
Dovete sapere che, nonostante tutti i partecipanti del Bilderberg rivestino certi posti di “comando”, sono dei pesci piccoli. Sono delle pedine, qualcuna più altre meno importanti, a servizio dei veri capi della finanza mondiale, persone che dominano davvero questo pianeta, gentaccia potentissima che non partecipa mai direttamente ad un incontro tipo il Bilderberg, e se lo fanno, non appaiono mai nella lista dei partecipanti, vogliono e devono, per i propri sporchi obiettivi, agire nell’ombra. Non troverete i loro nomi su Google o simili. I pesci grossi non hanno pagina web, ricordatevelo!
Precisato che il Bilderberg NON è una società segreta, se volete approfondire e scoprire cosa c’è dietro al Bilderberg, sappiate che probabilmente l’unica società ”segreta” (ormai nemmeno più ma ciò non toglie che questa è ancora l’organo decisionale più potente del mondo, ndr) ancora attiva e che comanda Bilderberg, CFR, Commissione Trilaterale, Club di Roma e così via, è la “setta” Skull and Bones(anche chiamata “The Order“, ndr) e queste sono le famiglie che ne sono membri oggi e su cui potete investigare:
Whitney | Wandsworth | |
Perkins | Gilman | |
Stimson | Payne | |
Taft | Davison | |
Rockefeller | Pillsbury | |
Lord | Sloane | |
Bundy | Wayerhaeuser | |
Phelps | Harriman | |
Whitney | Wandsworth | |
Perkins | Gilman | |
Stimson |
Quindi, non mitizzate troppo il Bilderberg, è poco più di una riunione tipo Davos, G8, G20 e via dicendo, è un’occasione per riunire persone con specifiche cariche nei vari Stati del mondo e dargli ordini, come li si danno ai mozzi in una nave.
Il Bilderberg riveste nel suo piccolo una certa importanza ma non è nient’altro che una riunione in più, dove si discute sul cosa fare e sul come agire nei vari settori politico, economico, industriale, sociale, medico, educativo e propagandistico, per portare avanti il progetto di definizione di un’Impresa Mondiale fondata sul denaro ed il dominio delle masse di cittadini del mondo.
Quello che potremmo definire come il Governo Economico e Finanziario Mondiale del futuro è il progetto reale su cui stanno lavorando queste persone, la cui realizzazione passa attraverso l’implementazione di chiare politiche economiche, sociali ed educative, atte a ridurci, un po’ alla volta ma inesorabilmente, ai minimi termini: poveri, malati e ignoranti o forzuti e convinti schiavi del sistema.
Siate curiosi, investigate e interessatevi ai programmi che stanno attuando queste persone riguardo il vostro futuro e di quello del mondo. Poi, quando saremo pronti, lotteremo insieme e vinceremo questa guerra, per il bene di tutti.
Matteo Vitiello
Queste le nazioni che partecipano:
AUT | Austria | INT International |
BEL | Belgium | IRL Ireland |
CAN | Canada | ITA Italy |
CHE | Switzerland | NLD Netherlands |
DEU | Germany | NOR Norway |
DNK | Denmark | POL Poland |
ESP | Spain | PRT Portugal |
FIN | Finland | SWE Sweden |
FRA | France | TUR Turkey |
GBR | Great Britain | USA United States of America |
GRC | Greece |
E questi i nomi e cognomi dei partecipanti (in neretto i nostri cari italiani, ndr)
FRA | Castries, Henri de | Chairman and CEO, AXA Group | |
DEU | Achleitner, Paul M. | Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG | |
DEU | Ackermann, Josef | Chairman of the Board, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd | |
GBR | Agius, Marcus | Former Chairman, Barclays plc | |
GBR | Alexander, Helen | Chairman, UBM plc | |
USA | Altman, Roger C. | Executive Chairman, Evercore Partners | |
FIN | Apunen, Matti | Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA | |
USA | Athey, Susan | Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business | |
TUR | Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı | Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper | |
TUR | Babacan, Ali | Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs | |
GBR | Balls, Edward M. | Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer | |
PRT | Balsemão, Francisco Pinto | Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA | |
FRA | Barré, Nicolas | Managing Editor, Les Echos | |
INT | Barroso, José M. Durão | President, European Commission | |
FRA | Baverez, Nicolas | Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP | |
FRA | Bavinchove, Olivier de | Commander, Eurocorps | |
GBR | Bell, John | Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford | |
ITA | Bernabè, Franco | Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A. | |
USA | Bezos, Jeff | Founder and CEO, | |
SWE | Bildt, Carl | Minister for Foreign Affairs | |
SWE | Borg, Anders | Minister for Finance | |
NLD | Boxmeer, Jean François van | Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Heineken N.V. | |
NOR | Brandtzæg, Svein Richard | President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA | |
AUT | Bronner, Oscar | Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt | |
GBR | Carrington, Peter | Former Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings | |
ESP | Cebrián, Juan Luis | Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA | |
CAN | Clark, W. Edmund | President and CEO, TD Bank Group | |
GBR | Clarke, Kenneth | Member of Parliament | |
DNK | Corydon, Bjarne | Minister of Finance | |
GBR | Cowper-Coles, Sherard | Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc | |
ITA | Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso | CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA | |
BEL | Davignon, Etienne | Minister of State; Former Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings | |
GBR | Davis, Ian | Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & Company | |
NLD | Dijkgraaf, Robbert H. | Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study | |
TUR | Dinçer, Haluk | President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S. | |
GBR | Dudley, Robert | Group Chief Executive, BP plc | |
USA | Eberstadt, Nicholas N. | Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute | |
NOR | Eide, Espen Barth | Minister of Foreign Affairs | |
SWE | Ekholm, Börje | President and CEO, Investor AB | |
DEU | Enders, Thomas | CEO, EADS | |
USA | Evans, J. Michael | Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co. | |
DNK | Federspiel, Ulrik | Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S | |
USA | Feldstein, Martin S. | Professor of Economics, Harvard University; President Emeritus, NBER | |
FRA | Fillon, François | Former Prime Minister | |
USA | Fishman, Mark C. | President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research | |
GBR | Flint, Douglas J. | Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc | |
IRL | Gallagher, Paul | Senior Counsel | |
USA | Geithner, Timothy F. | Former Secretary of the Treasury | |
USA | Gfoeller, Michael | Political Consultant | |
USA | Graham, Donald E. | Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company | |
DEU | Grillo, Ulrich | CEO, Grillo-Werke AG | |
ITA | Gruber, Lilli | Journalist – Anchorwoman, La 7 TV | |
ESP | Guindos, Luis de | Minister of Economy and Competitiveness | |
GBR | Gulliver, Stuart | Group Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plc | |
CHE | Gutzwiller, Felix | Member of the Swiss Council of States | |
NLD | Halberstadt, Victor | Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings | |
FIN | Heinonen, Olli | Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government | |
GBR | Henry, Simon | CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc | |
FRA | Hermelin, Paul | Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group | |
ESP | Isla, Pablo | Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group | |
USA | Jacobs, Kenneth M. | Chairman and CEO, Lazard | |
USA | Johnson, James A. | Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners | |
CHE | Jordan, Thomas J. | Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank | |
USA | Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. | Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC | |
USA | Kaplan, Robert D. | Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor | |
USA | Karp, Alex | Founder and CEO, Palantir Technologies | |
GBR | Kerr, John | Independent Member, House of Lords | |
USA | Kissinger, Henry A. | Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. | |
USA | Kleinfeld, Klaus | Chairman and CEO, Alcoa | |
NLD | Knot, Klaas H.W. | President, De Nederlandsche Bank | |
TUR | Koç, Mustafa V. | Chairman, Koç Holding A.S. | |
DEU | Koch, Roland | CEO, Bilfinger SE | |
USA | Kravis, Henry R. | Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. | |
USA | Kravis, Marie-Josée | Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute | |
CHE | Kudelski, André | Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group | |
GRC | Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses | Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. | |
INT | Lagarde, Christine | Managing Director, International Monetary Fund | |
DEU | Lauk, Kurt J. | Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin | |
USA | Lessig, Lawrence | Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University | |
BEL | Leysen, Thomas | Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group | |
DEU | Lindner, Christian | Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW) | |
SWE | Löfven, Stefan | Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP) | |
DEU | Löscher, Peter | President and CEO, Siemens AG | |
GBR | Mandelson, Peter | Chairman, Global Counsel; Chairman, Lazard International | |
USA | Mathews, Jessica T. | President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | |
CAN | McKenna, Frank | Chair, Brookfield Asset Management | |
GBR | Micklethwait, John | Editor-in-Chief, The Economist | |
FRA | Montbrial, Thierry de | President, French Institute for International Relations | |
ITA | Monti, Mario | Former Prime Minister 2011-2013 | |
USA | Mundie, Craig J. | Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation | |
ITA | Nagel, Alberto | CEO, Mediobanca | |
NLD | Netherlands, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of The | ||
USA | Ng, Andrew Y. | Co-Founder, Coursera | |
FIN | Ollila, Jorma | Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc | |
GBR | Omand, David | Visiting Professor, King’s College London | |
GBR | Osborne, George | Chancellor of the Exchequer | |
USA | Ottolenghi, Emanuele | Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies | |
TUR | Özel, Soli | Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper | |
GRC | Papahelas, Alexis | Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper | |
TUR | Pavey, Şafak | Member of Parliament (CHP) | |
FRA | Pécresse, Valérie | Member of Parliament (UMP) | |
USA | Perle, Richard N. | Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute | |
USA | Petraeus, David H. | General, U.S. Army (Retired) | |
PRT | Portas, Paulo | Minister of State and Foreign Affairs | |
CAN | Prichard, J. Robert S. | Chair, Torys LLP | |
INT | Reding, Viviane | Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission | |
CAN | Reisman, Heather M. | CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. | |
FRA | Rey, Hélène | Professor of Economics, London Business School | |
GBR | Robertson, Simon | Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings | |
ITA | Rocca, Gianfelice | Chairman,Techint Group | |
POL | Rostowski, Jacek | Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister | |
USA | Rubin, Robert E. | Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury | |
NLD | Rutte, Mark | Prime Minister | |
AUT | Schieder, Andreas | State Secretary of Finance | |
USA | Schmidt, Eric E. | Executive Chairman, Google Inc. | |
AUT | Scholten, Rudolf | Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG | |
PRT | Seguro, António José | Secretary General, Socialist Party | |
FRA | Senard, Jean-Dominique | CEO, Michelin Group | |
NOR | Skogen Lund, Kristin | Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise | |
USA | Slaughter, Anne-Marie | Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University | |
IRL | Sutherland, Peter D. | Chairman, Goldman Sachs International | |
GBR | Taylor, Martin | Former Chairman, Syngenta AG | |
INT | Thiam, Tidjane | Group CEO, Prudential plc | |
USA | Thiel, Peter A. | President, Thiel Capital | |
USA | Thompson, Craig B. | President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | |
DNK | Topsøe, Jakob Haldor | Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S | |
FIN | Urpilainen, Jutta | Minister of Finance | |
CHE | Vasella, Daniel L. | Honorary Chairman, Novartis AG | |
GBR | Voser, Peter R. | CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc | |
CAN | Wall, Brad | Premier of Saskatchewan | |
SWE | Wallenberg, Jacob | Chairman, Investor AB | |
USA | Warsh, Kevin | Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University | |
CAN | Weston, Galen G. | Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited | |
GBR | Williams of Crosby, Shirley | Member, House of Lords | |
GBR | Wolf, Martin H. | Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times | |
USA | Wolfensohn, James D. | Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company | |
GBR | Wright, David | Vice Chairman, Barclays plc | |
INT | Zoellick, Robert B. | Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics |